Hi Chase,
Your comment tells me that you are judging me without knowing me, assuming that I'm flippant and hurtful towards people suffering with mental illness. I'm a registered nurse with mental health training. If you really read my article, you would understand that the context I'm speaking of is how Richard Farley told people his plan was to hurt himself at the office of Laura Black, a person who is intending to hurt himself would not go fully armed with weapons and with a protection vest and end up killing several people. Not once did Richard Farley act on his claims of self-harm, he was asked to take psychological counselling which he quit after one session, not once did a trained professional diagnosis with sucicidal ideation. This was a tactic he used only after he killed several people and injured others, to deflect blame for his actions. What is shocking to me is how you disregarded my article entriely as I'm trying to bring attention to the dangers of obsession and stalking and how it impacted the lives of many people in this case. Instead, you chose a topic that I touched on lightly which is when he claimed he was going to hurt himself to fixate on and while missing the whole point.
The facts remain, this was never his intention and that is why I said he was not suicidal. If you don't want to read my article or appreciate how I'm trying to bring awareness to stalking through this article, then you don't have to read it, simple as that. You shouldn't go around telling people how suicide works, you're assuming you know more about it than I do and what gives you that right? Your privilage. Outside of the thousands that read it, you are the only one that had a problem with it and it's been up on Medium for more than a year. I do not regret writing what I did, I'm proud of my article and your censorship and comment is not welcomed here. Regardless of your comment, I will not change a single thing about my article.
I hope I educated you somewhat on not assuming that you know something when you don't. Next time you feel inclined to leave a thoughtless comment, take a moment to think about what you are writing and hopefully you can take this time to really read my article. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to leave a comment on my article.